3D Tiswas style
For people of my generation the term Splat will always be associated with
the Saturday Morning Children’s TV show ‘Tiswas” and was to the result of
Book Pairings
A funny thing happened when I wrote up my 2025 book list – a lot of the
books were parts of pairings. And I started wondering what other pairings I
had r...
Creating a TIN from a raster DEM
NB! This blog post will constantly change until I find a good open source
solution to create a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) from a Digital
Geologic Map of Alaska
*Geologic Map of Alaska*
"A new digital geologic map of Alaska released January 5th provides land
users, managers and scientists geologic information for t...
Goodbye, Google.org blog
This will be our last post on the Google.org blog. In order to make it
easier for people to get the latest news from Google in one place, we're
moving to t...
Cloud GIS Comes of Age
Fascinating to see this press release drop into my inbox this week via the
Amazon Web Services mailing list…AWS now supporting Postgres and PostGIS in
Time to move on
This is my last post using Blogger.
Thank you Google you have helped me to get GIScussions read by quite a lot
of people and to be honest I have nothing bu...
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